Monday, July 24, 2017

Missions In Paradise July 2017: Celebration of Life!

Missions In Paradise July 2017: Celebrating the Elderly and Sick!
Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, Author
DrJasmine RGordon Ministry Soul Care Healing
July 2017 My Visit Home to Jamaica

Missions in Paradise July 2017. Celebration of life- the elderly and the sick! My trip home to Jamaica Land We Love evolved into missions which I did not plan, think of, or anticipated. Missions were not on my schedule. God however had missions in many dimensions on His mind and in His plan for me. I must admit that there was only one person I had in mind who I desired to visit while in Jamaica and that was Ms. Eva since she is well over one hundred years old. By visiting her God opened a flood gate of opportunities for missions. In my community and neighboring communities I visited the very old, old, sick, very sick and shut-in. I ministered to them by sharing the Word of God, encourage them, hug them, laughed with them, I prayed with and for them. I shared with them the difference between physical wellness and soul wellness and encouraged them to trust God completely. I ministered to their soul. They were receptive and very happy that I visited. 

Dimensions of Missions: Yes, in addition to visiting the elderly and the sick, I also visited the following places- an early learning center; the school I attended growing up; my childhood church and preached the first Sunday of July; Mount Alvernia High School in Montego Bay where I taught for several years; my church in Montego Bay that I was a member of while living and working in Montego Bay. In all these places I got the chance of a lifetime to minister the Word of God. This was indeed a missionary journey and one that fills my heart with great joy. To God be the glory!

Celebrating the life of the elderly and the sick- missions! 

This is Miss Eva/Mammie of Williamsfield, Westmoreland. 
This year 2017 she is 107 years old.

I know Miss Eva/Mammie. It was my goal to visit her while in Jamaica. I wanted to see her to see what she looks like at this stage of her wonderful life. I wanted to see and know how well she was doing. I have never been in the presence of someone of 107 years old. It was such a blessing to be in her presence. She lives in the district of Williamsfield. The school I attended Williamsfield All Age School is in the district of Williamsfield. Going to school each day those of us from Fortwilliam who had to walk to school had to pass Mammie’s house. In addition, Mammie has a daughter who was my classmate. Thanks so much Ms. Richie for allowing me to visit your mom when you were not expecting me. May God’s blessing be upon your family as you all care for her. You are all blessed.

This is Miss Gwennie of Williamsfield. I never thought of asking her age but she is probably in her late 80s or early 90s. Some of you will remember her sons Author and Hector and her daughter Joyce and there are some younger siblings whose names I do not remember. Ms. Gwennie was very happy to have me visit. She is in fairly good health but mostly blind. Although she could not see me she remembered my name and kept saying, "Jasmine, Ms. Mavis daughter." She said, "You have not forgotten 'where you came from."

Mr. Morris of Fortwilliam is 99 years old this year.
Mr. Morris was the first person I visited and it did not dawn on me to take pictures and so I do not have a picture of him for which I am truly sorry. I did ask his age and he is 99 years old. I asked how he was and he said he was in fairly good health. He is the father of Gloria Morris and Errol Morris who many of you will know. There is also Daphne (she is older than Errol) and Tony who follows Gloria and other younger siblings. Mr. Morris lived in England for many years with his wife Mrs. Gladys Morris (she passed away some years ago). Mr. Morris has now returned to Jamaica to retire there. His daughter Gloria now cares for him.

This is Auntie Darr as she is affectionately called by everyone. One of Fortwilliam’s elderly and I do not know her age. She is not in the best of health.

This is Miss Pumpie as everyone calls her. She is one of Fortwilliam’s pride and joy. I do not know her age but she is probable in her late 80s. She’s  not in the best of health but in good spirit and was very happy for my visit.

Mr. Rose (Rexie) of Fort William was very sick and to protect his privacy I did not take his picture instead I took a picture with his wife Mrs. Rose (Jess).
Mr. and Mrs. Rose (Rexie and Jess) were two other people I went to visit as my mission of visitation evolved. I had no knowledge that Rexie was very sick. When I showed up Jess met me on the porch/veranda. I asked her for her husband and she took me by the hand and said, “Come let me show you.” She led me to the bedroom and there was Mr. Rose very sick. The compassion in my heart rose to the highest level. I got to minister to him sharing God’s Word, encourage and prayed for him, his wife and family. I got to talk to him and his wife about “soul health and wellness.”

 “I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). God alone knew His complete plan for my trip/visit home. Each day God led me step by step on a new mission experience. Praise God I was willing to take those steps as God led me in the path that He wanted me to go.

My visit to an early learning center was simply amazing! This was not on my agenda but it was in God’s divine plan as part of His mission that He designed for me to accomplish. At this school I got to talk with the director and some teachers and I got to love on some students. It is clear to me moving forward how I can help this school and the education system in general. This was truly rewarding.

The foundation of my academic education: This is the All Age School I attended growing up.  This is where my truly amazing education has been rooted. On the day I visited it was graduation. I was so excited to be there it did not cross my mind to take some pictures. Missed opportunity! The graduation was held at the Baptist Church. I got to see some people I went to school with who were attending their grand children graduation.

One of my stops took me to Mount Alvernia High School in Montego Bay where I taught for many years until I left in the late 80s to teach at Bethlehem Teachers College in Malvern, Saint Elizabeth. I had a wonderful memorable experience at both institutions of teaching and learning. On my visit to Mt. Alvernia High I saw Mrs. Sharon Robinson who is still the Art teacher.

Mrs. Sharon Robinson & Dr. Gordon. While down town one day I ran into Ms. Merlene Beckford who was a history teacher at Alvernia. We were excited to see each other. All three of us taught together at Alvernia.

This amazing multi-dimensional mission included preaching at my childhood church in Fortwilliam on the first Sunday of July 2017. Thanks Pastor, Rev. Everald Gayle for the opportunity.

Senior Pastor, Rev. Everald Gayle and Rev. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon.

Some members os the church family.

When you humble yourself to the will of God He places you in the presence of the right person or people to fulfill His purpose in your life and ministry and no one can take credit saying that they did it for you. All of the glory belongs to God. For right now this is as much as I want to reveal about this divine encounter so I am holding back for now on the details of this encounter.

First Lady Baxter and I. This is a divine connection!

God is strategic and very intentional. This lily is a representation of one particular encounter so profound! As I continue to experience how this is unfolding I am lost in wonder of God’s goodness and His divine strategies in bringing to full and clear manifestation what he has promised.

What I have shared in this article is just a brief overview of my mission’s experiences. There are aspects of this mission which I am still trying to take in and wondering if I am in a dream. I know that I am not in a dream but I am in wonder when I think of the doors God has opened for me to engage in ministry activities while on vacation in my homeland.
My ministry is twofold “evangelism and education.” The engagements God set in motion in Jamaica allowed me to evangelize, educate, and serve. How amazing! I am truly grateful to God for all of the experiences packaged in this trip-vacation-mission. Deep in my heart I am fully persuaded! I am overjoyed and can truly say this has been my best trip back home. 
The name of my ministry is “Soul Care Healing.” Please visit my website to learn more.
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Rev. Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon, Author
DrJasmine RGordon Ministry Soul Care Healing, Inc.

Thanking God for the new dimension to my ministry- MISSIONS!