Saturday, June 3, 2017

Pursue Excellence

Dr. Jasmine R. Gordon: Pursue Excellence!

Fifteen years ago I was honored: Atlanta Journal Constitution Honor Teacher Finalist 2002. From a group of 273 outstanding educators/teachers from across all school districts only four [4] were identified as the “best of the best”. Wow, I was one of those four! Thank you God for gifts and graces and the passion to pursue excellence! I was a fourth grade teacher then and also an adjunct college professor while at the same time facilitating professional development training with teachers in the school district.


  1. How tome flies
    Your passion and constant motivation inspired me to work hard. You are always so concerned about helping new teachers. My personal and professional life is better because I met you.

    1. Thanks for your kind words Lesma. I praise God for you and you are one who desires and strives for excellence.
